Speak Confidently

Posted by on Aug 23, 2014 | No Comments
Speak Confidently

Depending upon the source of the information, research indicates the fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of the majority of people. Far above the fear of death and disease, comes the fear of standing in front of a crowd. Believe it or not (and most of you probably believe it!) 74% of all people fear speaking in front of a crowd, whereas 68% of people fear death (Source: www.statisticbrain.com).

Hearing that has always boggled my mind. I think I fall into the minority of people who do not fear public speaking. Regardless of your occupation, your success depends a great deal upon your ability to communicate effectively! Whether you’re running a meeting, selling a product, making a presentation, motivating co-workers or just communicating one-on-one with others, you’ll get far better results if you can speak persuasively, smoothly and intelligently. If you are a student, giving reports in front of the class is a common occurrence, and one that just terrorizes some students.

A friend of mine once told me if he had not been afraid of speaking in front of people, his life would have been much different. He related a story of when he was up for a management position for a large company, the management candidates had to stand in front of the rest of the managers and detail why they were the best candidate for the position. My friend was so afraid of that requirement that he declined to vie for the position, just so he would not have to stand publicly and speak. Statistically, he would have rather died than give that presentation! The position went to another candidate who was apparently not as experienced as my friend.

At the heart of the fear of public speaking is a lack of confidence. That lack is a response to conditioning at some point in your life. It may have been an embarrassing situation in childhood, such as being ridiculed in class, it may have simply been hearing negative messages from others about their own fear of public speaking, which were then adopted as your own beliefs.

Whatever the origin, hypnotherapy can help immensely in eradicating the fear of public speaking (as well as most other fears!). By drilling down into the subconscious to expose the origin of the fear, we are able to “reframe” the originating event to put it into proper perspective and eliminate it as a cause of fear. The reframing can take any of a variety of forms, each tailored to the individual client, but an experienced hypnotherapist can usually eradicate the majority of the fear in 2-3 sessions.

If you or someone you care about needs help eliminating the fear of public speaking, please consider hypnotherapy as a rapid, completely natural and effective way of doing so. For more information or to make an appointment with me, please visit my website www.skipnotherapy.com.

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