

Iceberg quote

It is likely you are visiting my website because you are curious whether hypnosis is real, whether it can work for you, and whether I am the right hypnotherapist for you.  Before working with clients, I want to know one thing:  “On a scale of 1-10 where 10 is the highest, honestly how high is your desire to change the issue for which you will come to see me?”  If you can tell me it is a 9 or a 10, then the likelihood of what I do being successful for you is indeed high!

Most people come to me initially for hypnotherapy, but many tap into my abilities as a coach, an energy-worker or a mentor.  Some client sessions have no “formal” hypnotic induction, yet hypnosis absolutely takes place.  My measure of success is helping the client to make the life-improving change about which they came to see me.  A combination of approaches almost always works to achieve that end.

Hypnosis is not magic.  It is not a shot or a pill.  It is a highly effective modality to help people make amazing changes in their lives.  I define it as “Visualizing with Feeling.”  When that happens, guided by a well-trained, experienced, energy-aware and intuitive therapist who is truly focused on the improvement and well-being of the client, it may not BE magic but it can SEEM like magic has taken place!

Much like an iceberg, the majority of our minds’ capabilities and mental functioning are not obvious.  Our minds are comprised of two parts – the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.  The conscious mind, like the visible part of an iceberg, is responsible for short-term memory, logic, speech and language, as well as our daily routine, and comprises about 12% of our mental functioning.  Our more powerful subconscious mind, however, like the hidden part of an iceberg, comprises about 88% of our mental functioning.  Long-term memory, logic, creativity and  our belief systems and protection systems are all part of the subconscious mind.

Researchers estimate that if we were to compare our brains to computers, the conscious mind processes only about 2,000 bits per second.  The subconscious mind, however, processes about 6-8 billion bits per second.  In its role as protector, our subconscious mind “reframes” unpleasant memories and experiences so that they are managed in a way that makes them acceptable to us.  This may mean that particularly painful memories are hidden away, or they may manifest undesirable, aberrant, or even crippling behaviors or thought processes.  Fears and phobias, psychological addictions, and psychologically-induced physical maladies often result.  Most people do not even realize that something as simple as a cruel comment they received as a child, physical or mental abuse, or anxiety have led to these behaviors and/or pain-producing physical manifestations that have negatively, and sometimes very seriously, impacted their lives.

Hypnotherapy bypasses the critical faculty of the mind – the division between the conscious and subconscious – and often uncovers the responsible thoughts or memories, leading the client to effect meaningful changes by “reframing” those thoughts or memories.  In the hands of a skilled and talented hypnotherapist, this modality can offer solutions and relief where others have failed!

Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists


Past President of the Arizona Society for Professional Hypnosis

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